Op. 21 |
1905 |
Three pieces
for piano |
revision by
L. Chasin for clarinet and piano |
1. Melancholy
in A flat minor |
dedicated to
Maria Robertowna Glier |
revision by
W. Krjukov for violin, cello and piano |
2. Birth
in B major |
dedicated to
Natalja Konstantinowna Kusewizka |
3. Sadness
in E minor |
Op. 22 |
1904 |
The smithy
("The bellows grumbles and pants noisily...") |
Romance for bass and piano. Text by Petr Jakubovich |
dedicated to Fedor Ivanovich Schaljapin |
revision by the
composer for voice and orchestra |
Op. 23 |
1905 |
Five romances
for voice and piano |
1. V dali bezbrehnoy (In the
boundless distance) |
Text by
A. Struve |
2. Ja tvoj smech (I am your
laughter) |
Text by
Petr Jakubovich |
dedicated to Alexandr Michailovich Uspenski |
3. Opjat' opjat' tvoj tichy lepet (Again
and again your mumbling quietly) |
Text by
Daniil Rathaus (* 1868) |
4. list'ja shumelie (Leaves
rustle) |
Text by
A. Pleschtschejev |
5. Net ne mogu ja zasnut (No,
I cannot fall asleep) |
Text by
K. Balmont |
Op. 24 |
1905 |
Six two-part
children's choirs accompanied on piano |
dedicated to Tatjana Wasiliewna Figurowska |
1. Hello, winter guests. |
Text by
I. Nikitin |
2. Cradle-song ("Child, do you want to see the
paradise?...") |
Text by Konstantin Dmitrjevich Balmont (1867 - 1942) |
3. When the sun shines, the water sparkles |
Text by
F. Tjutschev |
4. Over flowers and grass |
Text from the
magazine "Maljutka" [small child] |
5. Flower ("Happy flowers shine colored in the field ...") |
Text by
A. Pleschtschejew |
6. In the blue sea |
Op. 25 |
1907 |
Symphony No. 2
in C minor |
dedicated to Sergej Alexandrovich Kusevizki |
I. Allegro pesante |
II. Allegro giocoso |
III. Andante con variacioni |
IV. Allegro vivace |
3(III - l. flute), 3, 3 (III - bass clarinet), 3 - 4, 3, 3, 1 - timpani,
percussion, |
tambourine, bells, harp,
plucked instruments |
40 minutes |
première; January
10 / 23, 1908, Berlin |
conductor: S. A. Kusewizki; |
February 20 / March
5, 1910, Moscow, Tenth symphonic assembly of the |
Russian Musical Society,
conductor: Composer |
revision for piano
four hands by the composer |
Op. 26 |
1906 |
Six pieces for piano |
dedicated to Georgi Eduardovich Konjus |
1. Prélude in B flat major |
2. Prélude in E flat minor |
3. Prélude in B minor |
4. Chanson simple in E minor |
5. Mazurka in C sharp minor |
6. Album sheets in B flat major [Feuille d´Album] |
Op. 27 |
1906 |
Seven romances
for voice and piano |
1. Tvoj glaza (Your eyes) |
Text by
Daniil Rathaus (* 1868) |
2. Pod sum dozdja (In the roaring
rain) |
Text by
Daniil Rathaus (* 1868) |
3. Kak teplo, kak privol'no vesnoj
(How warm and pleasant is the spring) |
Text by Myrrha Lochvitzkaja (1869 - 1905) |
4. Pobledneli, uvjali chvety (The
flowers have wilted) |
Text by
Daniil Rathaus (* 1868) |
5. V polusne (In
the light sleep) |
Text by
Daniil Rathaus (* 1868) |
dedicated to Maria Adrianowna Dejscha-Sionizka |
6. Padayut kapli pechal'nyye (The
sad raindrops fall) |
Text by
Daniil Rathaus (* 1868) |
7. I vetra ston (And the wind
moans) |
Text by Myrrha Lochvitzkaja (1869 - 1905) |
Op. 28 |
1906 |
Eleven romances for voice and piano |
1. Kol'lyubit' tak bez rassudku (When
you love, then do it madly) |
Text by
Aleksei Konstantinovich Tolstoi (1817 - 1875) |
2. Vostochnaya pesn (Song of
the east) |
Text by
N. Minski |
3. O, jesli b grust' moja (Oh,
if my mourning wouldn't be) |
Text by
Rosswein |
4. Kak v bredu (As in a delirium) |
Text by
Daniil Rathaus (* 1868) |
5. Zhit! Budem zhit! (Live! We
shall live!) |
Text by
G. Galina |
6. Ty vesennikh obmanov ne zhdi (Don't
expect any spring deceptions) |
Text by
Daniil Rathaus (* 1868) |
7. Vsyo mne grezitsa more ... (I
am always dreaming of the sea) |
Text by Konstantin Dmitrjevich Balmont (1867 - 1942) |
8. Zasmeesh'ja li ty... (Will you
laugh ...) |
Text by
F. Sologub |
9. Ya bol'she yeyo ne lyublyu ... (I
love her no longer) |
Text by Konstantin Dmitrjevich Balmont (1867 - 1942) |
dedicated to Maria Adrianovna Dejscha-Sionizka |
10. Vzor tvoj bezemolven (Your
meaningless look) |
Text by Myrrha Lochvitzkaja (1869 - 1905) |
dedicated to Antonina Wasiliewna Neshdanowa |
11. Spit more predo mnoy... (In
front of
me the sea is sleeping) |
Text by
Skitalez |
Op. 29 |
1906 |
Three Mazurkas for piano |
dedicated to Leopold Godowski |
1. in B minor |
2. in E flat major |
3. in B flat minor |
Op. 30 |
1907 |
Twenty five prèludes for
piano |
I |
1. Moderato in C major |
2. Sostenuto in c minor |
3. Vivace in D flat major |
4. Presto impetuoso in C sharp minor |
5. Andante in D major |
II |
6. Con amarezza in D minor |
7. Allegro in E flat major |
8. Affanato in E flat minor |
9. Andante in E major |
10. Allegro in E minor |
11. Allegro in F major |
12. Presto in F minor |
13. Andante in F sharp major |
14. Sostenuto in F sharp minor |
15. Andante in G major |
IV |
16. Moderato in G minor |
17. Presto in A flat major |
18. Agitato in G sharp minor |
19. Tranquillo in A major |
20. Con passione in A minor |
V |
21. Moderato in B flat major |
22. Allegro agitato in B flat minor |
23. Adagio in B major |
24. Allegro assai in B minor |
25. Presto in C major |